
Critter Camp, a collection of Windows Phone mini-games

Critter Camp

Critter Camp is a Windows Telephone viii game that is a collection of 4 mini-games that are surprisingly challenging. Critter Camp's first impression makes you call back the game is more suited for your Windows Phone's Kid's Corner.

But after playing each of the mini-games, Critter Camp can be a challenging game for the older crowd too.  There's a few bugs that still need to exist ironed out but Critter Camp has the potential of existence an appealing game for all ages.

When you start launch Critter Camp you'll demand to register with a screen name and password. From there you're logged into Critter Army camp's servers and sent to the main bill of fare.

Here you have options to play the game, view the leaderboards, access the game's selection and view the virtually and news screens. Options include audio/music on or off.

The for games are as follows.

Critter Camp

Jetpack Jamboree: Pigs of diverse colors are jet packing on to the screen and your job is to tap/elevate them to the corresponding colored landing pad. If the pigs reach the bottom of the screen, the game's over. It sounds unproblematic but the longer you are successful, the quicker the step gets. It's inevitable to become over run with pigs and only the quickest fingers volition survive.

Fishing Frenzy: This is more than of a slower paced game merely and so over again, angling should be more of a relaxing activity. With Angling Frenzy you are tasked with catching as many fish every bit possible over 3 rounds. Just tap the screen in the direction you desire to bandage your line and as you reel the lure in, whatever fish that comes in contact is hooked.

Critter Camp

Twilight Tango: This is a memory game where you are presented with a series of "pointer" constellations. You take a cursory time to memorize the arrows and then repeat the arrow's directions by swiping at the screen. If you lot get any of the sequence wrong or miss a swipe before the timer hits zip, you lose one of your nine pigs (lives) for each miss. Lose all your pigs and the game's over. Twilight Tango can be very humbling to the point of well-nigh beingness impossible to succeed at. It felt as if the timer was hooked on Scarlet Bull and zipped along way too fast.

Colour Disharmonism: Color Disharmonism appears to exist a colour matching game where yous throw colored paint balloons to the matching colored target. I say appear because the game went straight to the "Time's Upward" screen. It'south a new minigame so we're suspecting a bug snuck into things.

Each of the four games tin can be played in single player mode or up to iv, real-time players. When you choose multiplayer, Critter Camp will search for other players who are online. I can't comment on the success of the multiple player mode because I could never notice whatsoever players to compete against. This could be a glitch, bad timing on my role or just due to the game being new and non many know of information technology.

While there are enough of glitches Critter Camp has potential. Iron out these problems and I can come across Critter Camp having some appeal. Equally is, Critter Camp is worth a try and hopefully the remaining kinks tin can be ironed out with the next update.

Critter Camp is a gratuitous, advert-supported game for your Windows Telephone 8 device. You tin can discover Critter Camp here in the Windows Phone Store.

QR: Critter Camp


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